Referral Agreement South Africa

Referral Agreement South Africa: What You Need to Know

Referral agreements are common business practices that involve referring clients or customers to a third party in exchange for commissions or other benefits. In South Africa, referral agreements can help businesses to expand their reach and increase their revenue streams. However, it is important to understand the legal aspects of referral agreements to ensure compliance with the law.

What is a Referral Agreement?

A referral agreement is a type of marketing agreement that involves a business or individual referring clients or customers to a third party in exchange for commissions or other benefits. The third party could be a supplier, service provider, or another business that offers complementary products or services.

In South Africa, referral agreements are regulated by the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and the Competition Act. Under the CPA, referral agreements must be in writing and must include certain information, such as the nature of the referral, the commission or other benefits to be received, and the duration of the agreement.

The Competition Commission also has guidelines for referral agreements that aim to prevent anti-competitive behavior and ensure fair competition. The guidelines recommend that referral agreements should not restrict competition, should not involve exclusive arrangements, and should not involve price-fixing or market-sharing.

Why Use Referral Agreements in South Africa?

There are several reasons why a business may want to use referral agreements in South Africa. Some of the benefits include:

– Expanding the business`s reach: Referral agreements can help a business to reach new customers or clients that they may not otherwise have access to.

– Lowering marketing costs: Referrals can be an effective and cost-efficient way to market a business, as it eliminates the need for extensive advertising or promotional campaigns.

– Generating additional revenue: Referral commissions can provide an additional revenue stream for a business, without requiring additional investments or resources.

What to Consider When Entering a Referral Agreement

When entering a referral agreement, it is important to consider the following:

– The nature of the referral: Ensure that the referrals are relevant to the business`s products or services and that they fulfil the needs of the referred client or customer.

– The commission or benefit structure: Determine the appropriate commission or other benefits to offer for the referral, considering the value of the referral to the business.

– The duration of the agreement: Establish the duration of the agreement and ensure that it is in compliance with the CPA.

– The legal implications: Ensure that the referral agreement complies with South African law and regulations, including the CPA and the Competition Act.


Referral agreements can be a beneficial strategy for businesses to expand their reach and generate additional revenue. However, it is important to understand the legal and regulatory requirements when entering a referral agreement in South Africa. Working with a legal professional or professional can help ensure compliance and maximise the benefits of a referral agreement.